76mm ID Ducting Light Duty

76mm ID Ducting Light Duty

Product code: W40107600


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76mm Inside Diameter, Vulcano S1 Ducting, Light Duty, 0.4mm Wall Thickness, 10 Metre Length, 65mm Bend Radius, Clear, Ether based Polyurethane, Reinforced with Copper Coated Steel Spiral, 0.39Kg per Metre, Working Temperature -40°C to +90°C, IPL


Bend Radiusmm 65
Colour Clear
Flange Size Inch 0.4
Inside Diametermm 76
Length Metres 10
Maximumworking Pressurebar -40°C to +90°C
Nominal Bore Bmm 10
Nominal Boremm 0.39
Thread Gender A Clear
Thread Type B 65
Wall Thicknessmm 0.4
Weight Kgper Metre 0.39
Working Temperature -40°C to +90°C